Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club Membership Application


Name: ____________________________________________________________


Street Address: __________________________________________________


City: _______________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________


Home Phone: _________________ Email: _____________________________


Check all items that apply to you:

Breeder ___ Exhibitor ___ Pet Owner ___


I hereby certify that I own (or am a member of a family that owns) or have an interest in a pure-bred Toy dog, registered with the American Kennel Club.  I am over eighteen years of age and if accepted into membership, I do hereby agree to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club.  The Constitution is the American Kennel Club recommended Constitution with the addition of term limits and Board approval on applicants.


_______________________________  __________________________________

    Signature of Applicant         Breed(s) of Dog(s)


Endorsed by: 1. _____________________ 2. __________________________


Prorated dues are to be submitted with application.  Dues are $10.00 for a single of $15.00 for a family.  Dues are payable on the first day of July of each succeeding year.  If you join in July, August, or September pay $15.00/$10.00 - October, November, or December pay $11.25/$7.50 - January, February, or March pay $7.50/$5.00 - April, May, or June, pay $3.75/$2.50.


Date Application received:______________

1st Reading: __________________ 2nd Reading: ______________________



Ethical Guidelines


These guidelines are presented with the full realization that ethics cannot be legislated, and that most individuals desire and intend to do what is right.  Therefore the purpose of these guidelines is to set forth minimum standards of practice each member of the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club will adhere to as they strive to accomplish the club's goals and purposes as stated in the Constitution.  All applicants for membership agree that they will conduct their activities in accordance with this code of ethics as a condition of their membership is the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club.


In keeping with my membership in the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club, and my dedication to further it's stated purposes, I hereby pledge to adhere to the following practices:




To become educated in the fundamentals of owning, breeding, training and exhibiting Pure-bred Toy dogs.


To ensure that all dogs in my care are provided with adequate food, shelter, and medical care.


To ensure that all advertising is factual and not misleading and not to trade n the name of the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club to promote sales.


Never to engage in malicious criticism and to separate fact from fiction before repeating comments from others.


To adhere to the rules and regulations of the AKC while exhibiting, to practice the principles of good sportsmanship, and to consider competitors as a challenge not a threat.





To insure that while engaged in the art and science of judging that I will only be influenced by the quality of the dogs judged.




To understand the basic laws of genetics, the standard of my breed(s) and the difference between correct and incorrect before attempting to breed.  To utilize certification and genetic testing for breed specific problems when recommended by the National Parent Breed Club.


To appropriately register all breeding stock with the American Kennel Club or, in the case of breeds not recognized by the AKC, other applicable registry and to keep accurate records of all breedings, litters, and pedigrees.


To breed only healthy mature bitches at least one year of age and after the first season allowing for healthful spacing of litters. 


To follow good ethics in breeding contracts and to honor all agreements; whenever possible to put these agreements in writing.


To transfer or sell puppies only at an age that is  the recommended age suggested by each specific Toy breed's National Parent Club.


To insure that my puppies and adult dogs are never knowingly sold to pet stores, wholesalers, commercial dealers, or contest sponsors.


To always insure that my actions are directed toward the best interests of my breed(s) the Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club and the American Kennel Club.