Pursuant to the American Kennel Club's policy regarding Email Notification for Board Meetings and General Club Meetings and Other Club Notices, effective January 1, 2006, Revised (02/07), I __________________________________________ (please print name), as a member and/or board member of Mo-Kan Toy Dog Club, agree that Club notification, including, but not limited to, notification of club meetings, dues notices, minutes and newsletters, may be sent to me in written form or by email. I further agree that either method of notification shall be acceptable and shall be deemed received by me whether mailed or sent via electronic transmission to my addresses as they appear on the current Club Membership List. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide the Club Secretary with any change of address, will hold the Club harmless for notification sent to an incorrect address, and release the Club from any liability should the notification be received late or not received due to circumstances beyond the Club's control. I acknowledge that this authorization is revocable upon thirty (30) days written notice of same delivered to the Secretary of the Club.
______________________ _______________________________________
(Date) (Signature)